Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Forever Young

Son #2 on the far left - Son #1 second from the right - many many moons ago
We were living in Canada when Son #1 was about 3 months old, and he had been sleeping in a car bed on a sofa in the living room.  I realized that he had woken up when I heard him making the baby gurgling noises that he made when he was talking to himself.  I looked over and saw little feet kicking in the air above the bed.
I walked over to where he was lying and looked down at this brand new child of mine.  He was wearing a spotted footy sleeper.  When he saw me he began laughing with his whole body in that way that small babies do, and he smiled his toothless drooling grin at me.
I started laughing at him, and realized for the first time, how fully and completely in love I was with this beautiful blonde haired blue eyed tiny little person.

That beautiful child is now 26 years old.  He stuck it out in college long enough to get his Masters in his chosen profession.  He is GOOD at what he does for a living, as I knew he would be.  Professional, competant, intelligent, with as dry a sense of humor as his mother.  The goofball on top would be him. 

The guy in the middle in the military vehicle is Son #2.  This picture was taken during his first tour of Iraq.  He is over there for the second time right now, and is due back in April.
When I was pregnant with him, as crazy as it sounds, I worried that I would not be able to love this child as much as I loved my first.  I loved Son #1 so completely, so absolutely, I seriously wondered how there could be enough room in my heart to love another child as much. 
I grew up in craziness and dysfunction, so I had no experience with such things.....
After he was born of course, I very quickly found out that mothers have an unlimited capacity and ability to love their children.

This child - no this man - is 24 years old.  He walks tall and proud and strong, and carries the swagger of the indestructible.  Hurry up and come on home, Kid.

I never liked the singer Rod Stewart.  But he came out with a song quite a few years ago that makes me want to cry every time I hear it.  It touches my heart completely, because it taps into the depths of my mother-love for these two wonderful children:
I love you guys

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I just saw you in the newspaper! I was reading the little clip of the article and I was saying, hey, this woman sounds a lot like Karin. Continued reading and found out that it was you! It was a great article too. I had no idea you were involved in an aquatic center.

    I was also reading about a logo competition. I'd love to enter once it's open for entries. I've been graphic designing for a few years now.
