Monday, May 3, 2010

Silverware, Toasters, Meetings and the Sun

When I walked out to my car this morning I was surpised to see a thin layer of ice that I had to scrape off my windshield.  By mid-morning the sun was shining and temperatures were rising rapidly.
I was handcuffed to either a computer or any number of meetings all day until late afternoon.  When I walked out of that final meeting at 3pm I was downtown, and had 90 minutes before I had to be out in the Valley for (yes) one more last meeting for the day.
So......I walked out of the office, walked down to the pier, stood in the sunshine looking across at Douglas Island and breathed easily for what seemed like the first time all day.
Breathe Karin........It was sunny.  It was warm enough to walk without a jacket.  It was a beautiful and sunny and warm and lovely day.  I had missed most of it and worked hard non-stop all day, but I made a decision at that moment that I would take my time walking back to my car.
I was going to see the day.  And feel it.  And photograph it.  And remember why I wanted to live in Alaska.
I stopped, breathed, looked out over the channel and across at the mountains on Douglas and remembered why I wanted to live in Alaska............
Right downtown there was activity everywhere, with people preparing for tourist season.
Juneau uses gravel on the roads in the winter, instead of either the salt or sand that I am used to down in the Lower 48.  In the spring all of the remaining gravel is swept up by street cleaners.  The flags have gone up.  The painting is taking place.  So are the improvements to sidewalks.  There are new signs advertising tourist venues popping up.
The first cruise ship arrives tomorrow......
I have photographed Douglas Island and the Gastineau Channel many many times.  I have stood and looked out at both the mountains and channel more times than that.  I never get tired of them.
Some Juneau office buildings with the mountains behind them.
The Goldbelt Hotel downtown.  I stayed at this hotel when I was up in Juneau in November for my interviews. 
A rusted out (but very cool) fish on the sides of a ramp leading down to the water
How many different shades of blue can you count in one picture?  I love this picture. 
A quick stop at my office, one more meeting in the Valley, and by 6pm I was done.  I saw a post on Craigslist last night where someone was giving away a toaster and silverware.  Free stuff.  I had bought only a few pieces of cutlery before I moved into the house, so was happy to get my hands on more.  And while I bought a toaster when I moved into the house, it was the smallest and cheapest toaster I could find.  The one I got for free tonight is much nicer - and yes it does work!
Overall it was a very good day.  Very busy, a large variety of minor emergencies were averted, meetings were numerous but all went well. 
I held my own and that is success enough for one day.
I am beginning to really like my job very much.  Sort of.
But I can honestly say that the out-of-doors (and the ability to enjoy both large and small outdoor adventure readily) and my Mountain Boy 4000 miles away, are the two things that keep me grounded.


  1. Another excellent post. I'm glad ya got the toaster, and the sliverware. Now see if you can find a set of dishes, and I can leave all that stuff behind, it'll be less stuff to pack. lol

    I Love Ya Doll,

  2. I've got a set of dishes. And what's sliverware???

