Friday, May 13, 2011

Cody Park Downtown

 While LC took care of some business in town today I walked with Jamie at a park downtown.
This park is a wonderful green space that contains a multitude of interesting and sweet things that speak to people of all ages.
The park is encircled by Cody High School on one side, the Cody Visitor Center on another, county office buildings on another and Sheridan Avenue on the last.
It sounds like a busy place but in fact it is not.
It is a gentle, quiet and green place filled with good vibes and many touches of nature in the center of town.
In the picture below the high school can be seen in the background and a picnic shelter in the center..........
 A child swing set.
There are picnic tables situated throughout the park, with many located underneath large and mature trees.
And yes........some of them even have leaves on them..........
 In the far corner of the park, adjacent to Sheridan Avenue (which is the main street that runs the length of the city and which leads ultimately out of town heading towards Wapiti and then Yellowstone National Park) are two beautiful structures.
One is a whimsical statue of Buffalo Bill Cody.
The other is a war memorial dedicated to those who have fallen in all wars...........
 A view of Sheridan Avenue looking west.
When I first drove into Cody (and after driving multiple miles of barren and beige wasteland) I was very very doubtful about this town.
But when I turned onto Sheridan and saw the clean and wide streets, the American flags waving in front of every single store on the street and then looked west towards the mountains I was intrigued.
When we arrived in March this town was very quiet.
It is still quiet.
But Sheridan Avenue is gearing up for tourist season and day by day there is more color, more banners, more flags, more signs, more people.
I am excited to see what it will all look like.
And will probably be happy when summer is over and Cody residents can again reclaim their city.
But regardless of the time of year it is a clean and wide open place surrounded by beautiful mountains..............
 This large marble stone rests underneath mature trees in the park and I had not noticed it before today.
The Ten Commandments.........
 Whimsical and sweet playground equipment.
Little rides for little people...........
 I think that the only event that has been held at the bandstand since we arrived in Cody has been a Tea Party Rally.
But beginning in June there will be regular outdoor concerts held in this place.
We will be there.........
 Mini-golf on one side of the park.............
 The Cody Visitors Center.
As with many homes, and as with many commercial buildings throughout town, the Visitors Center is a lovely log structure.
LC and I have not been inside the center and with Jamie with me I could not check it out today either.
Another thing on our To Do List...........
 One more very beautiful statue in a city full of beautiful statues.
This one of buffalo located on the lawn in front of the Visitors Center..........
 Tennis courts adjacent to both the park and the Visitors Center.
Neither in Tennessee nor in Juneau Alaska did I see a lot of use on the typically dilapidated and mostly abandoned tennis courts.
But the tennis courts in Cody are used extensively by people of all ages.
The other day all the courts (this is only one of a handful of courts in this area) were in use by high school age students.  My guess would be that tennis is part of the PE curriculum..........
 I spent a quiet hour wandering around, taking pictures, looking at this city park with new eyes and spending time with my dog on this warm and sunny day.
This is a very wonderful place for those looking for green and quiet in the center of town.
It is located adjacent to the Visitors Center and the Buffalo Bill Historic Museum not quite on the outskirts of town but heading that way.
I still crave opportunities for solitude and peace and for a brief hour with my sweet dog I found it today...........

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