Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beck Lake

 Beck Lake is located just on the outskirts of town.  
Close to the Cody-Yellowstone Airport.
About 3 miles from the house.
Directly across the highway from Veterans Memorial Park.
Two days ago I biked in shorts.
 A week ago we woke up to snow covering the ground.
The sky was cloudless and that incredible shade of blue that artists try so hard hard to capture in paintings but never quite succeed.
It was cold but with no wind.
The sun was shining brightly and so was the snow.
LC, Jamie and I headed out on such an outstandingly beautiful day, first stopping at the veterans park and then crossing the highway and parking in the top parking lot of Beck Lake.
There are actually two bodies of water in this place.
The top parking lot leads directly to a large reservoir.
Paved roads and walk ways lead around the reservoir, with other paved walk ways leading directly down to Beck Lake.
The picture above was taken on the ground in the lower parking lot.
As we approached the lot we saw a man unloading a big lab dog who was obviously excited that her human was taking her for a walk.
As we approached the truck I looked down beside the door and saw this grungy rubber toy and laughed.  
It obviously belonged to the "big happy Wyoming dog" that we had just seen, having dropped to the ground as she jumped out of the vehicle..........

The walk way alongside the reservoir is located higher than the lake, does not contain trees, is exposed to the wind and consequently made for a very cold walk.
The wind was blowing in this exposed area and it was freezing...........
 Heart Mountain covered in snow.......
 Bird viewing areas overlooking the reservoir..........
 This lake and the walkways that circumvent it are part of a very nice urban green space.
The lake, the paths, and the fishing make this a great place for people to enjoy the out-of-doors without having to travel out of town.
As such visitors get to enjoy great views of not only water and mountains, but also McDonald's and K-mart........
 There were trails that veered away from both the lake and reservoir that we would have to visit another day.
As we neared the end of one walk way LC and I looked down into the sage brush searching for a trail that might lead down to Beck Lake.
There were dirt trails that led down the hill and that hooked up with additional paved trails but they were all very muddy.
Not today.........we have places to go and things to do after our walk.
We were about to turn around and head back to pick up a paved trail by the lake when I saw these deer grazing in the field...........
 A shelter with bench, designed for rest and wild life viewing..........
When we walked down to the park that we knew was located adjacent to Beck Lake I was surprised to see just how much snow was located here.............
 Views of mountains and water.
I love it here in Wyoming.
But I have to say that I do miss living in a rain forest town located along the coast.
There was water everywhere in Juneau and I always loved finding it - lakes, rivers, creeks, streams, the channel.
I feel compelled to look for water and always have to stop when I see it.
I do miss that very much............
 This is not a sign I have ever passed on a foot path in a residential park before..........
 While walking along the upper path along the reservoir my thought was that it was a treeless and fairly barren place.
By the time I arrived at this place along Beck Lake I had made the decision that I greatly liked this increasingly lovely and small park.
 I could easily envision what it would look like when the trees were filled with leaves (which I hope happens soon - it's April 26 today for goodness sakes).
I could easily envision LC fishing.
Could envision Jamie walking and marking and sticking her nose into the middle of every sage bush we passed on the trail.
I could envision me walking and taking pictures of kids playing, guys fishing, families picnicking, of growing things and birds and mountains and blue sky and water.
Three miles from home and I liked this place.
And it is April 26 today, the fields are beginning to green, but I want leaves on the trees for goodness sakes.........
 I assumed at first that these were ducks but upon closer inspection think that they may have been loons.......
 The entire foot path around Beck Lake was only about a mile but we greatly enjoyed it.
I have driven by Beck Lake many times since arriving in Cody and had now idea that it was such a lovely place.
A treasure in the city..............
 I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order......John Burroughs

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