Monday, December 24, 2012

Random Sunset

On this day before Christmas I had to drive into town to run an errand.
It was 9 degrees outside, the wind was blowing and the sky (and the forecast) promised snow.
I reluctantly stopped at the grocery store on the way home and watched (as I am apt to do when the stress level is too high) like a displaced outsider in my own body, as people rushed to do last minute holiday grocery shopping.
Thankfully the stop was brief and thankfully I soon drove out of town and back into the freezing cold and now-barren country-side outside of Cody to the house.............

I sent my daughter-in-law gifts for her new baby last week, and included my oldest son's Christmas stocking.
I bought it for Sean when he was only four years old.
So many years ago.
So very many years ago.
I hope that his son keeps it for a long time.................

I have no idea if my youngest son Chris is alright or not.
He sounds alright when I talk to him on the phone, but he is a reserved, strong and very stoic man.
When I ask, he is not ever dating anyone and that is not like him.
He talks about being focused on making money but does not follow through on job leads he mentions.
He talks about coming to see me in the fall, at Christmas, now maybe in the spring.
I have no idea what is in his head or in his heart......................

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